Thanksgiving has passed, and all of us enjoyed a wonderful day with friends, food, family and more food! More importantly however, Thanksgiving is a time to acknowledge all the blessings in life, both big and small. Here at This Old Farm, and especially in the Smith family, we have much to be thankful for.
Thanksgiving morning for us was spent loading hogs onto a trailer to send them to the market at the processing plant. They spent the last several months making the understory of the trees their home. They turned a wooded section into a beautiful savanah, enjoying the nuts and understory plants in the woods. Harvest time is enjoyable. It was the first time in a while that Jessica wasn’t pulled in other directions and was able to join us in a farm activity. Catching and loading animals up is enjoyable, but we had plans for thanksgiving lunch and not enough time to catch the animals ourselves. We are extremely thankful for willing employee’s with good attitudes, namely Joe Cardinal and Justin Houze for volunteering to get up early on their day off to help us gently encourage hogs to come into a foreign trailer. It was a good time and a wonderful way to work up a thanksgiving appetite!
Speaking of wonderful employees, we are extremely thankful for the team we have developed over the last several years. Through trial and error, we’ve assembled an effective team of strong up and coming leaders and managers in the natural foods world that allow us to turn out great product quickly and efficiently. We’ve been working on assembling a strong group of managers since we first purchased the facility and we feel blessed to have them. Our staff managers are capable of leading, solving problems, and providing thoughtful insight and advice to those they manage and to their own leaders always working to bring better service and value to our customers.
Finally, we’re thankful for you, our customers. Without you, our business would have never made it off the small hobby farm and into the processing and distribution market place it is now. The funding you provide us when you purchase product is what powers our business. We’re thankful for the fact that you are willing to spend a premium on healthful local product, allowing us to remain in business and continue to aid the local farmer in selling his product. We hope you all had a wonderful thanksgiving, and can’t wait to provide you with food at your next holiday meal!
Thank you,
Conner Smith