Turkey Time!
The count down is on. Just 11 days until the day we as Americans sit to enjoy family and the bounty of a good harvest season. There is nothing that symbolizes the bounty of Thanksgiving like the traditional turkey. We love when you make This Old Farm part of your holiday festivities. This year we have a few different turkey options for you to choose from. We can help you decide which to choose, just call us at (765) 324-2161 to finalize your order. We look forward to talking with you!
We have the following turkey options………….
1. A turkey raised by the Smith’s fed certified organic grains and pastured. They came in early this year as they grew so well they were going to be 30 lbs if we waited until the week of Thanksgiving to process so they are now frozen. We have plenty at a variety of sizes from 12 to 20 lbs. We can bring it out and thaw for you or you could take it frozen. You can pick it up outside of Colfax at our facility, at the farm, at the Trader’s Point Market this coming Saturday or at the West Lafayette Market the day before Thanksgiving. Cost is $5.25/lb
2. Heritage turkey raised by Laura Karr fed certified organic grains and pastured to be processed the Tuesday before Tday at our place. You could pick up late in the day on Tuesday or on Wednesday. We will fulfill your size request to the best of our ability in the order of our received orders. Cost $6.40/lb
3. Turkey raised by John Mark Stolzfus fed natural grains and pastured to be processed the Tuesday before Tday at our place. You could pick up late in the day on Tuesday or on Wednesday. We will fulfill your size request to the best of our ability in the order of the received orders. Cost $5.00/lb
All turkey was raised in a sustainable manner, processed humanely one at a time with care given to the details. Call us today at (765) 324-2161 so that we can be a special part of your holiday season. You can rest assured that you have helped make it possible for the family farm to continue producing the kind of food you want.