The pigs are enjoying the grass!
Pigs arrived at the farm a few weeks ago. We again purchased local organic feeder pigs from Dave Randal outside of Lebanon, IN. These pigs will be grown out in the next several months eating organic grains and foraging through pasture and woods. One of the things we strive to do on the farm is utilize animals to the best of there natural abilities. While this takes a fair amount of management, it also offers wonderful benefits. Pigs like to route. If the ground is wet, I think they do a better job tilling up sod than a gas powered engine. The downside is that pasture can be expensive so the majority of the pork is raised in confinement on concrete where they can’t get out and destroy the surroundings. They can’t break through concrete. Because they are raised indoors and in large numbers, antibiotics and growth stimulator are utilized. Here on the farm, where we raise pastured animals in smaller numbers, we have no need for antibiotics. We do have to stay ahead of the pigs. Instead of break them of their habit we try to use it as a strength. This year the pigs will be tilling up new garden spots for us and converting an open area in an old unused woodland back to pasture. In the end, we will have grown wonderfully healthy pork with a great flavor. Pork is the first organic item I would make sure I was eating. For more information contact Jessica. To order, visit our product information page and click on the order form at the bottom of the page.