Curoiusly Looking at the Camera
This year our turkeys spent more time outside the fence than inside. Their curiosity kept them intrigued by everything happening on the farm and they had to be a part of it all. If their living quarters were close enough to the house, I could find them looking in the back door. They were the first to try out our new pastures far out there in hopes to keep them farther from the hustle and bustle and closer to their home. It seemed to work until out came the camera and over the fence they flew. These beauties shown are Bourbon Reds and Black Spanish Heritage Turkey hens. The Toms are now too heavy to make the flight.
On the way to church, we talked with our six year old about reverence for life. We talked about the beauty of what we see at the farm and the blessing in being able to raise meet in a environmentally friendly manner while appreciating the life the livestock has. While some may have been lost on her, I think we answered her questions. These questions are the ones that keep me striving for better. We are proud of the way we raise our food and the food we offer to you. No cages, good outdoors, no antibiotics and growth hormones only good clean feed, and a good happy life. Together this adds up to sustainable farming but also to the best tasting turkey you can find. My favorite turkey recipe will follow next week. Until then, make sure we have your order on file.