Sugar Creek bordering This Old Farm
Before I began farming, I was unable to see the beauty of all the seasons. Fall only meant winter was right around the corner and winter was not something to enjoy. Now I feel in touch with each season and am able to look around with new eyes. There is a time for all things; I am so happy to live in the midwest where I can see and enjoy the seasons. And now I mean each season, from spring to winter. They all have a place. I am looking forward to the pressures of outside farm management being less, and the increased amount of office work to get ahead of next years planning. I am looking forward to a snug home and the smell of burning wood. But there is still plenty of happenings going on at the farm. Harvest time whether it be vegetables, grain, or livestock is a busy time. Here at the farm we mainly grow grass. We grow grass to grow livestock. When the grass is gone, we like the number of livestock over wintering to be low. This seasonality has its pluses and its minuses but we believe in working in concert with nature. Don’t worry though, with modern refrigeration and freezer storage we are able to increasingly offer our products through even the cold months. In years past, we were often sold out long before the first snow. With an increased business size we are still taking orders to fill your freezer. To order, click on the order form at the bottom of our products page. We want to continue to offer the good, clean meat you want throughout the seasons.