The beauty of spring
Today as I weeded the first of many strawberry rows, I reflected on the beauty of spring. I kneeled in a very humble position pulling weeds that had crept into the strawberry patch. Straw was used to heavily mulch the area and with our recent heavy rains weeding was pleasant. I looked out on our front pasture with the laying hens happily searching the field. Behind them sat the dairy animals before 5 pm hit and they came to the barn asking to be milked. Rows of weeding sat before me. As I have come to understand, spring brings both love and hate; beauty and work. Some times I can’t decide what I like more; the blossom on a fruit tree and all its beauty or the swelling that follows a few weeks later showing promise to a fruit crop to come. The kids came running in today with sheer excitement that the trees were showing the tiniest fruit beginnings. The strawberries had started to grow. What joy it brings if we can just stop to see the wonderful beauty and mystery of early spring. It is with this joy that I was able to continue the task of weeding at hand. The satisfaction of helping the young plants out compete the creeping weeds and the promise of a wonderful bounty coming soon gave joy that outmeasured the overwhelming feeling of all that needs to be done in the spring. Now if only I could always be reminded to live in the moment and enjoy these small pleasures and forget the worry of what is yet to be done.
Written by Jessica Smith