Planting fence posts.
One of the first things needed for a pasture based operation is fencing and lots of it. When you want to take animals out of confinement the only thing you should think about planting is fence posts. While that statement is just a little over simplified it brings home the point that good fencing is a must. Here at the farm, we have been working on various fencing projects for years, but we are very excited to have down on paper the plans for the last 330 posts needed to fence in not only our newly planted pasture this year but the remaining 2 pastures that have yet to be planted in grass. We have been working with a terrific grazing specialist, Susannah Hinds, to develop a whole farm plan detailing our final transitional steps to having our entire 88 acre farm organic certifiable. This year we wrote the largest Organic EQIP (Environmental Quality Incentives Program) plan for this region of Indiana possibly the state. The award of these funds will provide a cost share for our remaining fence plans as well as a new well and pipeline to water our expanding herd of sheep, flocks of poultry, and dairy animals as well. They say the first step to any good business is a successful plan and we are well on our way. Though we know the real key to success is our customers. We thank you for helping us meet our sustainability goals!