In days gone by we celebrated the harvest which became known as Thanksgiving. We at This Old Farm have had a wonderful harvest season. We would like to extend a warm thank you and enjoy fellowship with all that have made our operation grow and prosper. It has been just over a year since we opened the doors to the newly rebuilt processing facility just outside of Colfax, IN. We have now worked with over 75 different producers to bring naturally grown meat and produce to Indiana residents. To celebrate we will be hosting a casual gathering of old friends and new acquaintances that all come together to bring good food to Indiana residents now and into the future. Join us…………
When: November 17th, 2012
Time: 12-3 pm open house
Where: 9572 West County Road 650 South Colfax, IN 46035 (Use the location field on your gps and type in This Old Farm, Colfax)
Casual grill affair will be served to celebrate in honor of our farmers!