Guernsey/Jersey heifer calf born in September
While we often think of spring time as the season for new babies, we have been blessed on the farm in the birth of a beautiful Guernsey/Jersey heifer calf. She was born to Vickie, one resident share cow. Vickie is owned by and produces fantastic milk for 12 different families. She is 100% grassfed making milk high is CLA’s and rich in butterfat. If you have not looked into raw milk visit realmilk.com for all the information and then ask Jessica how you can get involved in a cow or goat share. Tiny Dancer, the calf, can be purchased if you want the benefit of watching her grow and knowing the next cow to provide your milk. She will be bred around 18 months of age to produce around 2 years of age. She is a Jersey/Guernsey cross. The cost of maintenance would be $7.50/month. I love the fact that it costs less to have ownership in your food supply than it does to keep most dogs.