Here he is in a common poise with one of the grandkids on his lap.
At the farm, it is just another day. Another day that the animals need to be cared for, milked, and watered. Another day we can’t let the new seedlings get too parched. Yet, despite the normal chores, even we might take a break and enjoy the beauty of the spring and the memories of a time gone by. Whether it is a day of thanks for the veterans or a day of remembrance of a loved one, I hope your day is good!
Here’s a special thanks to the veteran in my life, my father in law, Richard Smith, who fought hard for our country as he was a career military man after entering the service at just 16 years of age. We are blessed to have him live next door to us now as we built a place for him and Erick’s mother, Michiko Smith, a few years ago. If you are out at the farm and see them out and about, make sure you say hello. He just turned 83 years old on Wednesday!
Written by Jessica Smith