Did you know that our conventional farming practices here in the Midwest accumulate to cause a large problem all the way down in the Gulf of Mexico. Hypoxia is a low level of available oxygen. When this condition occurs, the marine life is killed. It occurs in part due to large algae blooms caused by excess Nitrogen ending up in our watersheds. When Nitrogen is over applied in fields, the excess runs off to the nearest watershed and is responsible for a dead zone where the Mississippi river flows into the Gulf of Mexico. What we do has a larger impact than we often stop to think about. Learn more from the University of Illinois studies. This is just one more reason to support organic agriculture.
Come learn how we apply Nitrogen to our crops in this weeks class.
Some crops have a higher need for nitrogen. We will learn….
Different ways to organically meet the Nitrogen requirements
Which Crops do we need to think about when applying extra Nitrogen
Can you apply too much Nitrogen?
Please RSVP to jessica@thisoldfarminc.com and I will send you directions.
Cost $15 with a $5 discount for any good farm implement (ie shovel, pitch fork, hose etc.) This class is also part of an educational CSA that offers a workshop series as well as a produce allotment. For further information email jessica@thisoldfarminc.com