I have spent the last 12 years questing good food. Yes, it has been a quest. From learning how to raise our own, driving for farm goods we aren’t raising, to learning how to stock a pantry/freezer so that I only have to shop once a month, I have been on a path for good food for my family. Food that provides the nutrients missing in most American diets. Food that has been raised in an environmentally conscience manner. Food that has the taste that the older generations remember from their child hoods. I am now excited to make it as easy as possible for others to make the same journey. I love having someone stop by at market and mention that they just watched ” Food Inc” and are now looking for another option to the traditional meats they have been getting. I love spending an hour on the phone walking folks through the choices they have for local foods. Now, to make it as easy as possible to get all locally grown meats and vegetables, we are set to make wholesale deliveries. I will always appreciate the folks, that like me, will go beyond the comforts of tradition and journey to the farm or facility. You are a very important part of our business model. As a mother of 5 with a business, I also know how life can be so busy. Our newest quest is to get good food to a place where you shop and dine. Through the last needed purchase of a refridgerated distribution truck we are now ready to deliver This Old Farm Product on a regular schedule. We have put in placean alliance of growers, a new to us processing facility, new equipment, and a new to us truck. Now all we need are the accounts. Let us know where you would like to see This Old Farm products and we are set to make it happen!