Conner left for spring break giving me great guidance on where to find his newsletter written ahead of time. Last week he jumped in to a controversial topic that often squares people off in the room. I have been told not to discuss politics, religion, or food unless in a room of long term friends. Discussing Genetically Modified Food with you, our readers, must mean we consider you all friends. This is a tough topic! So tough that we split it into several sections. In case you read last week which presented some of the pros for farmers choosing to grow non GMO crops, please don’t think we have gone Mad or forgot what many of you support when you support sustainable agriculture and farms like ours. This week I was supposed to publish the con’s or potential concerns many have with eating something produced in the lab with only 20 years of background. I am particularly proud of Conner for learning and researching all sides of food the way I taught him too as a child. Unfortunately I am having technical difficulties with getting Conner’s article copied over so stay tuned for next week……………