By popular request, This Old Farm is launching a workshop series to be held Friday mornings, 10AM to 11:30AM at the farm. Jessica Smith will share information about different aspects of farm life from organic gardening to raising chickens to preserving the harvest. Whether you are new to growing your own food or a seasoned veteran, there will be something for everyone. Unless otherwise advertised each class will be $15/ a piece or $25/ family. A $5 discount will be given for any good quality garden implements donated to the farm (ie shovels, farm rake, hoes, hand tools, gloves, hose) If in doubt, ask if we need it. All class topics will be posted in the calendar. If there is something you would like to learn about and you don’t see the topic, please let us know. These classes are also part of an educational CSA. This CSA is being offered to just a few this year so please let us know ASAP if you are interested. These CSA share holders will be signed up for each workshop offered this season as part of their package. They will also take home a variety of produce grown on This Old Farm, Inc. The cost of each full educational CSA share is $550. A 10% discount is available if paid in full by June 1st.
For more information please email